
Want to Sync Emails, Calendars, Contacts, and Documents in Sugar CRM?

Want to Sync Emails Calendars Contacts and Documents in Sugar CRM

(Updated on June/2021)

[A CRM user is encompassed by a whirlwind of technology including making calls, scheduling meetings, and reviewing documents while being on the move. Gmail sync for SugarCRM enables one to synchronize their calendars, contacts, email, and Google Documents automatically. It is also compatible with the latest version of SugarCRM. You can download RT GSync here.]


A CRM user can make calls, schedule meetings and review documents while on the move. It would be convenient if Sugar CRM’s emails, calendar activities, contacts and documents could get synced with Gmail and vice versa. Well, there’s no need to worry! Our Gmail Sync tool is now available to do all of this for you!

Gmail Sync provides the following syncing tools:

Calendar Sync – Automatic bi-directional sync of calendar events including meetings, calls, and tasks.
Contact Sync – Bi-directional sync of SugarCRM contacts with Gmail contacts.
Email Sync – Automatic Email archiving for all the incoming and outgoing emails.
Google Docs (on premise only) – Documents from Sugar and Gmail will be synced automatically.

Gmail Sync for SugarCRM

Gmail Sync is available for SugarCRM versions 6.5.7 to 7.1.5. Yeah GSync is available for the all new Sugar 7 too! It’s available on Sugar Outfitters and can be easily installed and configured. No need to enter the data twice; whether you prefer to work in SugarCRM or in Google, your work will automatically sync over to the other system.

Rolustech is a SugarCRM Certified Developer & Partner Firm. We have helped more than 600 firms with various SugarCRM customization, migrations and integrations. Contact us today for your FREE Consultation Session. We will be happy to assist you!