
Salesforce Industry Vertical Solutions

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Salesforce CRM is the leading platform in the world today with more than 150,000 customers in 19 countries. Salesforce pioneered Cloud computing more than 15 years ago and has managed to stay ahead since then, providing unparalleled Salesforce Cloud solutions for Sales, Marketing, Support, and Analytics. It is a comprehensive Customer Relationship Management Solution that covers every customer touch point and every stage of the customer life cycle

Every business has different needs and Salesforce understands that better than anyone. With basic functionality and common task management, horizontal CRM can only get you so far. In order to properly leverage the most out of your resources, get one of the many Salesforce Industry Vertical Solutions. These Industry Vertical Solutions come with Salesforce Cloud integrations that are tailor made for your industry. Salesforce has Industry Specific Solutions for a number of industries, let us look at them in a bit more detail.

Salesforce for Banking Industry

Streamline your bank management with this Salesforce Industry Vertical Solution for banking. Improve your customer management by consolidating all your customer data for an unparalleled 360-degree view. Simplify financial experiences between lenders, borrowers, brokers and dealers by bringing them onto one platform; increase transparency and provide self-service options through a community cloud integration. The Salesforce Industry Vertical Solution for Banking delivers a seamless digital banking experience including:

  • Reduced loan cycle systems
  • Transformed personalized transactions
  • API enabled connections to your CRM
  • Improved lead conversion
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Salesforce for Construction Industry

The Salesforce Industry Vertical Solutions provide a comprehensive experience by integrating relevant clouds together based on the individual needs of each industry. When it comes to the Construction Industry, customer experience is of utmost importance. Salesforce delivers an excellent overall experience for customers by combining the following Salesforce clouds.

Salesforce for Real Estate Industry

Connect the right product to the right store to increase the efficiency of your organization. For this we provide Salesforce integrations for the software that is used in the real estate industry. This Salesforce Industry Solution makes a lasting impression on your customer and improves brand recognition.

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Salesforce for Government

Avoid the hassles of the red tape and exceed expectations. The Salesforce Industry Solution for Government sets the path for more transparency, focus, and simplicity in all government processes. This single platform comes with integrations that optimize redundant technologies and improves agency infrastructures to help deliver timely completion of tasks. It comes with the following divisions that improve information sharing, simplify workflows and speed up communications across the board.

  • Federal Agencies: Bring federal agencies up to speed with the digital age, increase efficiency, update resource gathering and sharing, bring stronger security and remove legacy systems all in one stroke.
  • State and Local Agencies: Make the most of advanced cloud technology to migrate to digital channels most preferred by citizens. Overcome traditional and geographic boundaries and take citizen engagement to a new level. Facilitate them fast and quick with advanced reporting options and simplified processes that remove paperwork hassles.
  • Defense Agencies: Revitalize and transform personnel management with talent management functionalities that monitor everything from recruitment to retirement with insights on career, training, and tests. Improve cost-effectiveness with Patient Relationship Management that tracks health services provided to personnel and their families. Streamline supply chain management tasks from start to finish and more.

Salesforce for Health Care Industry

A Salesforce Integration with Health Cloud brings your patient details and history to the forefront of your customer service executives. Connect the right patient with the right doctor at the right time from one single space. Optimize patient handling and provide a single view of the patient to all concerned parties. The Health Care solution also comes with a Community Cloud integration that monitors and communicates with the patient and care team well after the patient’s discharge.

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Salesforce for Automobile Industry

The automobile Industry Solution comes with a list of Salesforce Cloud integrations that bring benefits to the company that ultimately enhances the user experience. More and more companies are realizing that present and future markets must be customer-centric. Customer information has never been more important. That’s where the automobile sector sees Salesforce CRM integration as an important idea.

Salesforce for Education Industry

Bring students and instructors on the same page in terms of learning, and education with this Salesforce Industry Solution. It comes with a ability of Integration that allows all concerned parties to communicate and collaborate in a secure environment.

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Salesforce for Media

With the world quickly hopping on the binge train it’s now more important than ever to directly interact with your consumers. This industry solution for media combines Salesforce DMP, Marketing Cloud and Community Cloud together to give you a 360 degree view of your customer with a robust view of their marketing journeys, insights into their watching behavior and automatic community suggestions based on the content they consume. With Salesforce for Media you get:

  • Personalized profiles
  • Personalized marketing journeys
  • Personalized Communities

Salesforce for NonProfit

Streamline your interactions across the board and create sustainable relationships with clients, supporters, funders, volunteers, and affiliates. This Salesforce Industry Solution breaks down every interaction and provides a 360-degree view. Manage donation processes from the initial engagement all the way to the final payment, add process automation and get an overview of your pipeline. Make use of numerous integration tools to streamline your donor prospecting, management, and reporting. Get a detailed look at donors, grants, volunteers and events to optimize your operations and avoid paperwork. This industry solution comes with an integration of Salesforce Marketing Cloud that lets you carry out email marketing, mobile marketing and monitor social media engagement. Lifecycle automation leverages data from any designated source and helps increase customer satisfaction and more with Salesforce for Nonprofits.

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Salesforce for Retail Industry

Take your relationship with shoppers to a whole new level with Salesforce for retail, an industry solution that is capable of building shopping experiences in real-time across the customer lifecycle. With Einstein analytics features, present shoppers with personalized offers, a tailored experience leveraging their product browsing history, and more. Salesforce for retail combines Marketing, Commerce and Service Clouds to bring together a magnificent retail management industry solution that is designed to maximize customer satisfaction and loyalty. As Salesforce’s own offerings weren’t enough, we can also further enhance your retail business through integration with e-commerce platforms such as Magento.

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Salesforce for Logistics and Transportation Industry

Salesforce for Logistics and Transportation offers a tailor-made experience for courier companies looking to give their customers a personalized experience.  Salesforce Communities fill up the bag of Salesforce cloud integrations in this solution, providing a platform for the companies to keep all their data in one place.

Salesforce for Wealth Management Industry

Salesforce for Wealth Management is a fusion of Financial Services Cloud and leading wealth management technology partners. This industry solution provides a personalized experience by showing an unprecedented view of each and every client with AI powered tools that show new growth opportunities.

  • Consolidated view of client from multiple platforms
  • Insights and recommendations based on client data
  • Relationship charts
  • Increased advisor productivity
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Why Rolustech?

We have proven expertise in rendering end-to-end Salesforce services including Design, Maintenance, Implementation, and Support.
We have a dedicated team of over 20+ certified professionals having comprehensive domain proficiencies.
We are a consulting partner with competencies offering a broad array of services.
We have a dedicated team of over 20+ certified professionals having comprehensive domain proficiencies.
Expansive expertise in driving digital transition through our development solutions across multiple industries.
Expansive expertise in driving digital transition through our development solutions across multiple industries.
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Frequently Asked Question

Salesforce Industry Vertical Solutions offer tailored features and functionalities that enable businesses to provide personalized and seamless customer experiences. Rolustech can provide the expertise and guidance needed to implement these solutions effectively for your industry.

Salesforce Industry Vertical Solutions cater to a wide range of industries, including banking, healthcare, retail, and more. Rolustech can help you identify and select the most suitable solution for your industry based on your specific requirements.

Salesforce offers a wide range of products that cater to different industry needs. Some notable Salesforce products include Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Commerce Cloud, Health Cloud, Financial Services Cloud, and Community Cloud. Each product is designed to address specific business requirements and empower organizations to deliver exceptional customer experiences, streamline operations, and drive revenue growth.

Salesforce Industry Vertical Solutions provide tailored functionalities and configurations specific to industries, offering advantages such as industry-specific workflows and features. With pre-built integrations to industry-specific tools, seamless connectivity and data synchronization are ensured, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. These solutions cater to industries like adobe magento, and offer a comprehensive suite of Salesforce products designed to meet the unique needs of various industries.