
Why Sugar Serve Stands Out Among Other Customer Service Software?

Sugar Serve

Customer service can tremendously impact the growth prospects of a business. This means companies should take all steps to ensure the best customer experiences and make customers for life.

However, with the cut-throat competition, the chances of losing a customer because of issues in your customer service department are quite high. But there are still companies that are turning consumers into repeat customers and creating meaningful customer relationships- resulting in an increase in their customer retention rate.

So what are these companies doing differently?

The answer is simple: High performing companies at all levels are investing in the best customer service software to solve their customer problems.

Now, if you are looking for a customer service software that helps in building long-term customer relationships, there’s no better option than Sugar Serve.

Being one of the best customer service solutions out there, Sugar Serve is equipped with the tools and functionalities to deliver unparalleled customer service. So, let’s dive in to learn more about how Sugar Serve can help make customers for life. 

Boost Productivity of Support Agents

With customers demanding that you already understand their preferences, it’s crucial to equip your customer service agents with all the information about a customer. In such a situation, Sugar Serve will better help gain customer insights and provide a quick response to all customer queries. Additionally, Sugar Serve also cuts down the manual tasks and saves time which makes it the best customer support software. 

Cost-Effective Customer Service Solution

Customer service plays a big role in making a business grow and ensuring that you have a happy customer base. This leads to companies investing huge amounts in their customer service infrastructure. However, with Sugar Serve, it’s quite different. Not only will it make your customer relationship management quite simple and effective but also cut down on costs; so you can save money and drive efficiency in your business. 

Prioritize Customer Service Cases

Another important feature of Sugar Serve is that it helps users prioritize different customer service cases by service level agreements. This is done in Sugar Serve through its robust built-in mechanism of determining the priority level of cases. This improves the efficiency of customer service agents as they will be aware of which cases require their immediate action. 

Unlike other customer service software, Sugar Serve helps in Service Level Agreement (SLA) management by automatically calculating and measuring where your customer support stands against the most complex SLAs. As a result, your high priority customers will be happy due to your quick response and help in getting recurring business. 

Reporting for Actionable Insights

Another benefit of Sugar Serve is that it provides users with robust and holistic reports and dashboards to derive actionable insights. Catering to a number of customer service metrics, the analytical capabilities of Sugar Serve help manage and capture information regarding customer support cases and deliver personalized customer experiences. The reports include fields such as first response user, business hours to first response and first response SLA Met.

Intelligent Case Management

Managing cases and routing them to the allocated support agent is important for driving better results. Sugar Serve utilizes the automation features of SugarBPM and builds upon them to ensure intelligent case management. This means users can easily assign cases, reassign them and escalate cases that require attention to the right agent. As a result, you can provide timely answers to all customer queries and save time and effort by leveraging the expertise of different members of your customer service team. 

Customer Self-Service Portal

Another feature that makes Sugar Serve one of the best customer service software is the Customer Self-Service Portal. This will allow your customers to help themselves without waiting for the customer service agents to solve their queries. Moreover, Sugar Serve also allows you to include a knowledge base that helps customer service agents to easily frame the issue and find the devised solution to ensure high customer satisfaction rates. 

Ready to Leverage the Best Customer Service Software? 

Sugar Serve is your best bet when it comes to investing in a highly robust and intuitive customer service platform. With enhanced functionalities, Sugar Serve helps solve customer queries, boost the productivity of support agents, save time and money and have a happy customer base. Moreover, if you want to understand how Sugar Serve can fit in your business needs, you can leverage the expertise of our SugarCRM Certified Team. All in all, Sugar Serve is the best customer service solution that your business needs to gain a competitive advantage and retain more customers. 

Rolustech is a SugarCRM Certified Partner firm. We have helped more than 700 firms with various SugarCRM Services. Get in touch today for your FREE Business Analysis. We will be happy to assist you!