
Case Study: Customized SugarCRM for Murano Connect

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Murano Connect is a fund and investment management company with an established presence in its industry. The company’s business model revolves around identifying investors and connecting them with parties in need of funds. Murano acts as a middleman between parties and helps them reach their goals.


Murano Connect reached out to Rolustech with a comprehensive list of requirements. The company was using a manual system for managing its data and business processes. Murano required a solution that would improve its ability to record, manage, and analyze its data. The company also wanted functionality that would enhance its business process and further enable its business model.

In order to meet Murano’s requirements, a new customized CRM solution had to be developed and implemented. The new system would also require several integrations in order to fit into the company’s existing business processes.

Murano Connect’s requirements boiled down to one major factor: the company needed a solution that would eliminate its dependency on external factors.

Our certified CRM experts carefully analyzed Murano Connect in order to understand all of its requirements. We then began working on a comprehensive solution for the company. Our team proposal’s consisted of:

  • The development and implementation of a customized CRM solution
  • Developing and integration strategy for the new platform
  • Collecting Murano’s existing data and migrating it to the new platform

After presenting our proposal to Murano, our team began its work.

CRM Customization

We started off by developing a customized CRM solution for Murano. Our team added email functionality, custom reports, custom views, and several other customizations to the new platform. Our efforts increased the functionality of Murano’s platform and helped make it more relevant for the company’s business processes. We also worked on improving the platform’s security by introducing 2-factor authentication and device recognition capabilities.

All of these customizations helped mold the platform into a unique solution for Murano. A solution that not only met all of Murano’s requirements to the letter but also improved the company’s functionality.

CRM Integration

Murano was using several different applications along with its manual data management system. In order to replace the manual system without disrupting Murano’s business processes, it was important to integrate these applications with their new platform.

Our team carried out CRM integration that merged Murano’s new platform with other applications. This helped create a seamless platform through which Murano could use all of its existing applications. The most valuable integration for Murano was between the new platform and Google Charts.

CRM Migration

In order to enable Murano’s new platform, all of the company’s existing data was migrated to the new platform. Our team started off by developing a data migration plan for Murano.

We identified inaccuracies in Murano’s existing data and fixed them before starting the migration process. We carefully executed Murano’s migration process to ensure that its data remained intact and secure throughout the process.



Rolustech’s comprehensive solution left Murano Connect pleased and satisfied. We addressed all of Murano’s pain points and equipped the company with a highly capable CRM platform. Murano Connect continues to reach out to us for support and maintenance.

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